How to Find Index of Value in Array in Matlab (2024)

  1. Find Index of Value in Array in MATLAB Using the find() Function
  2. Find Index of Value in Array in MATLAB Using Loops
  3. Find Index of Value in Array in MATLAB Using the ismember() Function
  4. Conclusion
How to Find Index of Value in Array in Matlab (1)

In MATLAB, the ability to locate the index of a specific value within an array is a fundamental skill. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced MATLAB user, there are various techniques at your disposal to efficiently tackle this common programming task.

In this article, we’ll explore different methods to find the index of a value in an array, ranging from basic to advanced approaches.

Find Index of Value in Array in MATLAB Using the find() Function

MATLAB provides a handy function called find() to simplify locating the index of a specific value within an array.

The find() function in MATLAB is designed to locate nonzero elements of an array. It returns the indices of the elements that satisfy a given condition.

While it’s typically used to find nonzero elements, it can also be employed to find the index of a specific value by comparing array elements with the desired value.

Syntax of the find() function for our purpose:

indices = find(array == value);

Here, array is the input array, value is the specific value you want to find, and indices is the resulting array containing the indices where the specified value occurs.

Example 1: Finding the Index of a Single Element

Let’s begin with a straightforward scenario where we want to find the index of a single element in an array.

% Example 1: Finding the Index of a Single Elementarray = [2, 3, 1, 2];indices = find(array == 2);indices

In this example, we have an array [2, 3, 1, 2], and we use the find() function to locate the indices where the value is equal to 2. The result is stored in the variable indices.


indices = 1 4

The output shows that the element 2 is present at indices 1 and 4.

Example 2: Finding Indices With a Condition

Now, let’s explore a scenario where we find indices based on a specific condition, such as elements greater than a certain value.

% Example 2: Finding Indices with a Conditionarray = [2, 3, 1, 2];indices = find(array > 1);indices

Here, we modify the condition inside the find() function to identify indices where elements are greater than 1.


indices = 1 2 4

The output indicates that elements at indices 1, 2, and 4 satisfy this condition.

Example 3: Working With Matrices

The find() function is not limited to arrays; it works seamlessly with matrices. Let’s explore finding indices in a matrix.

% Example 3: Finding Indices in a Matrixmatrix = [2 3; 2 1];[row, col] = find(matrix == 2);rowcol

In this example, we have a matrix with two rows and two columns. We use the find() function to locate the row and column indices where the value is equal to 2.


row = 1 2col = 1 1

The output reveals that the value 2 is present at (1,1) and (2,1).

Example 4: Modifying Values Using Found Indices

Beyond just finding indices, we can use them to modify values within the array or matrix.

% Example 4: Modifying Values Using Found Indicesmatrix = [2 3; 2 1];indices = find(matrix == 2);matrix(indices) = 5;matrix

Here, we find the indices of the element 2 and replace those values with 5.


matrix = 5 3 5 1

The output showcases the updated matrix.

The find() function in MATLAB provides an efficient way to locate the indices of specific values within arrays or matrices. Whether dealing with single elements or matrices, the flexibility of this function makes it a valuable tool for various scenarios.

Find Index of Value in Array in MATLAB Using Loops

While MATLAB provides convenient built-in functions like find() to locate the index of a value in an array, it’s also valuable to explore alternative approaches for educational purposes.

To find the index of a value in an array using a loop, we can iterate through each element of the array and compare it with the desired value. Once a match is found, we can store the index and exit the loop.

Example 1: Finding the Index of a Single Element

Let’s begin with a simple scenario where we find the index of a single element in an array using a loop.

% Example 1: Finding the Index of a Single Element Using a Looparray = [2, 3, 1, 2];target_value = 2;custom_indices = [];for i = 1:length(array) if(array(i) == target_value) custom_indices = [custom_indices i]; endendcustom_indices

In this example, we have an array [2, 3, 1, 2], and we use a loop to traverse its elements. The if statement checks if the current element is equal to the target value (2), and if so, the index is appended to the custom_indices array.


custom_indices = 1 4

Here, the output indicates that the element 2 is present at indices 1 and 4.

Example 2: Handling Different Conditions

Next, let’s explore a scenario where we find indices based on a specific condition, such as elements greater than a certain value.

% Example 2: Finding Indices with a Condition Using a Looparray = [2, 3, 1, 2];condition_value = 1;custom_indices_condition = [];for i = 1:length(array) if(array(i) > condition_value) custom_indices_condition = [custom_indices_condition i]; endendcustom_indices_condition

In this case, the loop checks if each element is greater than 1 and if true, the index is recorded.


custom_indices_condition = 1 2 4

The output shows that elements at indices 1, 2, and 4 satisfy the condition specified.

Example 3: Handling Matrices With Nested Loops

Loop-based indexing can also be extended to matrices, where nested loops are employed to traverse both rows and columns.

% Example 3: Finding Indices in a Matrix Using Nested Loopsmatrix = [2 3; 2 1];target_value_matrix = 2;[row_matrix, col_matrix] = deal([]);for row = 1:size(matrix, 1) for col = 1:size(matrix, 2) if(matrix(row, col) == target_value_matrix) row_matrix = [row_matrix row]; col_matrix = [col_matrix col]; end endendrow_matrixcol_matrix

In this example, two nested loops traverse the rows and columns of the matrix. The if statement checks if the current matrix element is equal to the target value (2), and if so, the row and column indices are recorded.


row_matrix = 1 2col_matrix = 1 1

As we can see, the output reveals that the value 2 is present at (1,1) and (2,1). Loop-based indexing provides an alternative approach to finding indices in MATLAB, particularly useful in scenarios where custom conditions or intricate matrix structures are involved.

Find Index of Value in Array in MATLAB Using the ismember() Function

Another powerful tool for finding indices of a specific value in an array is the ismember() function. This function is particularly useful when dealing with scenarios where we want to check the membership of values in an array.

The ismember() function in MATLAB is designed to determine if elements of one array are members of another array. While its primary use is for membership testing, it can be harnessed to find the index of a value in an array by exploiting the logical indexing feature.

The basic syntax of the ismember() function is as follows:

tf = ismember(A, B);

Here, A is the array in which we want to find the indices, and B is an array or a set of values whose membership we are checking. The function returns a logical array tf with the same size as A, where tf(i) is true if A(i) is a member of B, and false otherwise.

Example 1: Finding the Index of a Single Element

Let’s begin with a straightforward scenario where we use the ismember() function to find the index of a single element in an array.

% Example 1: Finding the Index of a Single Element Using ismember()array = [2, 3, 1, 2];target_value = 2;tf = ismember(array, target_value);indices_ismember = find(tf);indices_ismember

In this example, we have an array [2, 3, 1, 2], and we use ismember() to check if each element is a member of the target value (2). The logical array tf is then passed to the find() function to obtain the indices where the condition is true.


indices_ismember = 1 4

The output indicates that the element 2 is present at indices 1 and 4.

Example 2: Handling Different Conditions

The ismember() function is versatile and allows us to handle various conditions easily, such as finding indices based on elements greater than a certain value.

% Example 2: Finding Indices with a Condition Using ismember()array = [2, 3, 1, 2];condition_values = [1, 3];tf_condition = ismember(array, condition_values);indices_condition_ismember = find(tf_condition);indices_condition_ismember

Here, the ismember() function checks if each element in the array is a member of the specified condition values (1 and 3). The resulting logical array is then passed to find() to obtain the indices where the condition is true.


indices_condition_ismember = 2 3

The output shows that elements at indices 1 and 3 satisfy the condition that was specified in the code.

Example 3: Handling Matrices

The ismember() function seamlessly extends its functionality to matrices. Let’s explore finding indices in a matrix.

% Example 3: Finding Indices in a Matrix Using ismember()matrix = [2 3; 2 1];target_value_matrix = [2, 1];tf_matrix = ismember(matrix, target_value_matrix);[row_matrix_ismember, col_matrix_ismember] = find(tf_matrix);row_matrix_ismembercol_matrix_ismember

In this example, we have a matrix with two rows and two columns. The ismember() function checks membership for each element in the matrix with the target values (2 and 1).

The resulting logical array is then passed to find() to obtain the row and column indices where the condition is true.


row_matrix_ismember = 1 2 2col_matrix_ismember = 1 1 2

The output reveals that the values 2 and 1 are present at (1,1), (2,1), and (2,2).

The ismember() function offers a concise solution for finding indices of specific values in MATLAB arrays or matrices. Its ability to handle different conditions and seamlessly work with matrices makes it a valuable tool in various scenarios.


MATLAB provides several effective methods for finding the index of a value in an array, each catering to different needs and scenarios.

The find() function stands out as a versatile tool, allowing users to locate indices based on specific conditions efficiently. Whether searching for a single element or handling matrices, the find() function provides a straightforward and powerful solution.

For those who prefer a custom approach, looping through the array with an if statement offers a flexible alternative, allowing users to implement customized conditions and gain a deeper understanding of the indexing process.

Moreover, the ismember() function provides a concise and readable solution, particularly beneficial when dealing with membership conditions and matrices. Its simplicity makes it a valuable choice for scenarios where a direct check for membership is the primary concern.

Ultimately, the choice of method depends on the specific requirements of the task at hand. Whether it’s the flexibility of custom loops, the versatility of the find() function, or the simplicity of ismember(), MATLAB provides a rich set of tools for efficiently finding the index of a value in an array.

How to Find Index of Value in Array in Matlab (2024)


How to get the index of a value in an array in MATLAB? ›

In MATLAB the array indexing starts from 1. To find the index of the element in the array, you can use the find() function. Using the find() function you can find the indices and the element from the array. The find() function returns a vector containing the data.

How do you find an index of a value in an array? ›

findIndex() method can be used to find the index of a value in an array. In this approach, we are using the lodash that is the library of JavaSCript for fucntions. It has inbuilt function _. findIndex() which can be used to find the index of the given value.

How do you find the index of the minimum value in an array in MATLAB? ›

For example, to find the index of maximum value of matrix, we can use a combination of the 'max()' and 'find()' functions. On the other hand, if we want to find the index of minimum value of a matrix, then we use the combination of the 'min()' and 'find()' functions.

How to calculate index in MATLAB? ›

k = find( X ) returns a vector containing the linear indices of each nonzero element in array X .
  1. If X is a vector, then find returns a vector with the same orientation as X .
  2. If X is a multidimensional array, then find returns a column vector of the linear indices of the result.

How do you access the index of an array? ›

Accessing Elements in an Array by Index

To access an element in an array, you can use square brackets ( [] ) with the index of the element you want to access. The index starts at 0 for the first element in the array and increments by 1 for each subsequent element.

How to index data in cell array MATLAB? ›

Index into Arrays Within Cells

First, use curly braces to access the contents of the cell. Then, use the standard indexing syntax for the type of array in that cell. For example, C{2,3} returns a 3-by-3 matrix of random numbers. Index with parentheses to extract the second row of that matrix.

How do you find the index of an element in an array list? ›

The . indexOf() method returns the index of the first occurrence of the specified element in an ArrayList . If the element is not found, -1 is returned.

What is the index number in an array? ›

The index is an integer, and its value is between [0, length of the Array - 1]. For example an Array to hold 5 elements has indices 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4.

How do you count the index of an array? ›

Count of indices in an array that satisfy the given condition
  1. Input: arr[] = {1, 2, 3, 4}
  2. Output: 4. All indices satisfy the given condition.
  3. Input: arr[] = {4, 3, 2, 1}
  4. Output: 1. Only i = 0 is the valid index.
Mar 1, 2022

How do you find the index of the maximum value in MATLAB? ›

You can use max() to get the max value. The max function can also return the index of the maximum value in the vector. To get this, assign the result of the call to max to a two element vector instead of just a single variable. Here, 7 is the largest number at the 4th position(index).

How do you find the index of the maximum value in an array? ›

Iterative Approach to find the largest element of Array:
  1. Create a local variable max and initiate it to arr[0] to store the maximum among the list.
  2. Iterate over the array. Compare arr[i] with max. If arr[i] > max, update max = arr[i]. Increment i once.
  3. After the iteration is over, return max as the required answer.
Sep 13, 2023

How to find the index of the minimum value in an array C? ›

  1. STEP 1: START.
  2. STEP 2: INITIALIZE arr[] = {25, 11, 7, 75, 56}
  3. STEP 3: length= sizeof(arr)/sizeof(arr[0])
  4. STEP 4: min = arr[0]
  5. STEP 5: SET i=0. REPEAT STEP 6 and STEP 7 UNTIL i<length.
  6. STEP 6: if(arr[i]<min) min=arr[i]
  7. STEP 7: i=i+1.
  8. STEP 8: PRINT "Smallest element present in given array:" by assigning min.

How to find the index of a value in an array in MATLAB? ›

Direct link to this answer
  1. You can use the “find” function to return the positions corresponding to an array element value. For example:
  2. To get the row and column indices separately, use:
  3. If you only need the position of one occurrence, you could use the syntax “find(a==8,1)”.
Feb 14, 2018

How do you find the index of a cell in MATLAB? ›

You can use the “find function” to find the element index in the cell array.
  1. % Making a cell as an array using [A{:}].
  2. % Using find function on that can help you out.
  3. % this will return the index 2 which is a matlab version of indexing.
  4. %Using column first and row as the second input as ':' operator prints.
Jun 29, 2019

How to get array element by index in MATLAB? ›

When you want to access selected elements of an array, use indexing. Using a single subscript to refer to a particular element in an array is called linear indexing. If you try to refer to elements outside an array on the right side of an assignment statement, MATLAB throws an error.

How to get part of an array in MATLAB? ›

Always specify the row first and column second. To refer to multiple elements of an array, use the colon ':' operator, which allows you to specify a range of elements using the form 'start:end'. The colon alone, without start or end values, specifies all the elements in that dimension.

How to find the value of an array in MATLAB? ›

Direct link to this answer
  1. You can use the “find” function to return the positions corresponding to an array element value. For example:
  2. To get the row and column indices separately, use:
  3. If you only need the position of one occurrence, you could use the syntax “find(a==8,1)”.
Feb 14, 2018

What is array indexing command in MATLAB? ›

Every variable in MATLAB® is an array that can hold many numbers. When you want to access selected elements of an array, use indexing. Using a single subscript to refer to a particular element in an array is called linear indexing.

How do you get the max value index in an array in MATLAB? ›

M = max( A ,[], dim ) returns the largest elements along dimension dim . [ M , I ] = max(___) finds the indices of the maximum values and returns them in array I , using any of the input arguments in the previous syntaxes. If the largest value occurs multiple times, the index of the first occurrence is returned.

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Name: Arielle Torp

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