Rio Grande Sun from Espanola, New Mexico (2025)

sell it, buy it, hire them or find it in the sun classifieds All Classifieds Cash -NOTICEClassified Ad Deadline 2:00 p.m. Tuesday Classified Rates: per word first insertion per word thereafter $3.00 minimum any insertion All charges plus tax Mail: Rio Grande SUN, P. O. Box 790 New Mexico 87532 For Rent APPLE VALLEY Self Storage. Unit sizes 5x10, Call 753-7887.

BUYING A mobile home? Quiet park in Alcalde offers first month free. Security lights, natural gas, good water, just $90 month. Call 852-4772. Lazy Morning Park. TRAILER FOR rent.

$300 plus deposit. Call 753-7270 day or 983-8571 after 6 p.m. TWO- BEDROOM mobile home, partly furnished, available August 1. Located off McCurdy Rd. after 7 p.m.

Call 753-5730. TWO- BEDROOM mobile home, furnished. $325 per month plus utilities. 753-3127. Auction For Rent TRAILER SPACE for rent in city.

Free water, garbage and sewer. $125 month. 753-7285 or 897-7063. ONE-BEDROOM house. Fenced back yard.

No pets or children. $125 deposit. 753-4497. SANTO NINO Mobile Home Park, last phase 17 oversized lots available. First month free.

$135. 753-5277. THREE-BEDROOM mobile home. $100 deposit. All utilities paid.

Call 753-2622. THREE-BEDROOM house located in Chamita. Call 579-4477 after 6 p.m. TRAILER FOR rent. $225 per month.

$50 deposit, single or couple only. Call 753-4075 after 6 p.m. MACHINE TOOLS, MATERIALS SUPPLIES, OFFICE EQUIPMENT AUCTION ON YSI SENSORS LOCATED BEHIND ALLSUP'S SHELL STATION, 16 MILES NORTH OF SANTA FE ON HWY 285 SATURDAY, JULY 25TH 10:00 A.M. YSI is relocating their assembly operation out of state and will sell Items without reserve at auction. Cash or in state personal checks I.D.

inspection from 9:00 a.m. morning of sale only. All items proper must be removed the day of sale exceptions. Bridgeport 2J variable speed Milling Machine scales, Collets (very good machine); Milling Machine Vise; Right Angle Attach; ENCO 360 16" floor model band saw welder (almost new); 12" x36" Southbend Engine Lalthe Bench Drill Press; Bench Disk and Wheel Grinders; 1 2H.P. Air Compressors; 35 like new 4', 5' 6' all metal Work Benches; 6" Bench Vise; Shop Vac; large Machinist Tool Box; Micrometers; Machinist Tools; 1 Tap Die Sets; Drills; Taps; End Mills; misc Hand Tools; Wrenches; Heatguns; large Bolt Cutter; Garden Tools; Wheelbarrow; Presto 2000 lb.

Hydraulic Roll Around Manual Forklift (almost, new); Toledo Platform Scale; Fireproof Solvent Cabinet; 25 like new Steel Roll Around Carts; lots of misc. materials, paints, bolts, nuts, Shelving; Cabinets; new Cardboard Boxes; Wood and Metal Office Desks; Office Work Stations; IBM Computer 2 Printers, Stand; Merlin Plus Phone System Phones (will handle many more phones); 23 Bench Stools; Floor Pads; Electrostatic Cleaners; Wall Clocks; Dry Erase Boards; Microwave Oven; Cafe Tables; 20 Folding Chairs; 4 Commercial Steel and Fiberglass Picnic Patio Table Seat units umbrellas; and other items: WM. HORN ASSOCIATES AUCTIONEERS WM HORN 662-9455 LANGILLE 753-2821 For Rent HOUSE FOR sale. La Mesilla, 2135 sq. four-bedroom, bath, natural gas, ash cabinets, tile, hurd windows, 05.5 acre.

$120,000. 753-9483. NICE CLEAN two-bedroom trailer already set up on trailer space. $375 month plus utilities. Single or couple only.

No pets. 753-7297. Opportunities HOTEL 1-800-6-MOTEL-6 (ext. 300). We'll pay you to run your own business: Motel 6 seeks live-in management teams for opportunities nationwide.

Benefits include: Free, furnished one-bedroom apartment, paid utilities, paid training, generous health and retirement plans. Must have no dependents and be willing to relocate. Call: 1-800-666-8356. Ext. 300.

EOE. Day Care LAS CUMBRES Daycare PreSchool. M-F, ages 2-5. State licensed. 753-4123.

Notices NEED A RIDE from St. Vincent's Hospital to Espanoia al 10 p.m. for the next 3 weeks. Can pay my way. Ask for Priscilla after 5 753-4763.

ST. JUDE AN ACT OF FAITH May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be adored, glorified, loved and preserved throughout the whole world now and forever. Sacred Heart of Jesus pray for us. Saint Jude, helper of the hopeless, pray for us. Saint Jude, worker of miracles, pray for us.

Say this prayer nine times per day for eight days and your wish will come true. It has never been known to fail. Publication must be made. Thanks to St. Babysitting DEPENDABLE MOTHER of three will do babysitting in my home from 7 a.m.

to 6 p.m. Call 753-7669 (La Mesilla). DO BABYSITTING in my home in Rio Chama. Call Katie 753-3177. TINY TOTS Care located on SR 76, close to Santa Cruz Post Office, offers quality care for your child, educational activities and TLC.

Call 753-7457. WILLING TO do babysitting in my home, experienced, Spanish speaking. Prefer 5 year olds and under. 753-3116. Mesilla.

Garage Sale BACK YARD sale. Saturday, July 25, 8 a.m. 3 p.m. 1001 Bellas Ln. off McCurdy Rd.

Thomas organ, girls, ladies, mens clothing, dishes, bedspreads, toys, misc. BIG YARD sale. Friday July 24, 8 to 4 on Chama Highway, Calle Loma. Antiques, mirrors and lots of everything. GARAGE SALE Saturday, 9-4.

Ranchitos by Beauty Shop, bunk beds, dressers, twin and double bed, loveseat and chair, misc. JEMEZ HOUSE Thrift Stores. Espanola, 904 Paseo de Onate, Tuesday and Friday 1-5, Saturday 10-2. 753-5532. White Rock, near Smith's, Wednesday and Friday 10-1, Saturday 9-12.

672-1620. LARGE FAMILY yard sale. Saturday 8-2 in La Mesilla County Rd. 0109. Follow signs.

Refrigerator, air conditioner, couch. Lots more. MOVING SALE. Furniture, TV, household items, clothes and lots more, excellent prices, come and see! Alamosa, behind old bus depot. Saturday 25, Sunday 26.

8 a.m. SATURDAY, SUNDAY, July 25-26. El Sito Road, La Puebla. Furniture, odds and ends. SATURDAY AND Sunday, 905 Bellas Lane, McCurdy Rd from 9 a.m.

Notices Jude for favors. S.B. GRAND OPENING San Juan Senior Market July 25-26, 1992 TRADE SELL OR VISIT WITH US Everybody Welcome $5.00 Per Booth Jewelry Merchandise Food Where! East of San Juan Bingo 9 a.m. For more information: Percy Tapia 852-4516 Gaby Nave 753-2497 BRUSH UP for school. Certified teacher will do tutoring in my home.

$15 per hour. 753-7912. HANDY MAN Services. Trash hauling, yard work, odd jobs, mechanical sabe. Will exchange work for useable items.

753-6396. NATIVE AMERICAN tarot reading. counseling in the shamanic tradition. Tuesdays at Moondancer by appointment. 753-2457 or 351-2249.

NEED CASH? We buy real estate contracts. Free quotes! VTL Funding 505-898-0594 (toll calls refunded). NELSON'S GARAGE is now open Saturday mornings for your convenience. Dependable service since 1951. 424 Onate St.

(Behind Smith's TV). 753-2781. JAZZERCISE Aerobic Exercise and lots more. class Infomation 753-9873 753-9896 MASSAGE THERAPY Northern New Mexico Health Center Monday-Saturday by appointment 325 S. Riverside Dr.

753-7576 License ASTROLOGY COUNSELING Fridays at Moondancer by Mari Selby. 11-3. Call for appointment 753-5313. RANCHERS. CONTRACTORS! Chevron DELO Run with extra confidence: HONSTEIN OIL CHEVRON JOBBER 753-3255 ESPANOLA PREGANT? SOMEONE cares at Birthright, free pregnancy tests.

983-3255. Wanted to Rent NEED. ONE two-bedroom apartment with washer and dryer hookups, under $350. Single, no pets, non-drinker. 753-5359.

For Sale 17 FOOT Traveleze travel trailer. Sleeps 6. Good condition: $2,000. Call 753-4730. 1986 TIDE CRAFT fishing boat, 15' open mariner and yach trailer, Very clean and well kept.

$3,750. Call 753-6007 or 588-7285. ALFALFA HAY, El Llano area. $3.00 a bale. 753-3936.

COLLIES FOR sale or trade for Male pup and female adult. Call 852-2634. MONUMENTS, MARBLE granite, varioud colors, low prices. 513 W. Pueblo 753-4424; 821 La Joya 753-6240.

NEW CARPET pretty beige, $4.95 per yard. Two light fixtures, one is beveled glass, and oak, and the other is a hanging wrought iron and glass. 455-7743 after 7 p.m. PINON WOOD, green. New refrigerator and vaccum cleaner, gas oven, cabover campers.

753-3876. POLE BUILDINGS. Garages, horse barns, storage, commercial. 30x40x10 completely erected $6895. Other sizes and options available.

Pronto Building Systems. 1-800-767-9033. RV -27 OPEN road. Fully contained. Full bath, generator, sleeps 8, low miles.

$7,500. 753-8183. WOLFF TANNING beds. New commercial home units from $199. Lamps, lotions, accessories.

I Monthly payments low as $18. Call today free new color catalog 1-800-228-6292. Jim Sagel's DANCING TO PAY THE LIGHT BILL $8.95 Rio Grande SUN.

Rio Grande Sun from Espanola, New Mexico (2025)
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Author: Duncan Muller

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Author information

Name: Duncan Muller

Birthday: 1997-01-13

Address: Apt. 505 914 Phillip Crossroad, O'Konborough, NV 62411

Phone: +8555305800947

Job: Construction Agent

Hobby: Shopping, Table tennis, Snowboarding, Rafting, Motor sports, Homebrewing, Taxidermy

Introduction: My name is Duncan Muller, I am a enchanting, good, gentle, modern, tasty, nice, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.