1 Dayton Deaths ANDREWS, Gertrude of 629 Oak street, yesterday; funeral 10:15 a.m. Wednesday, Holy Angels church (Meyer and Boehmer). BIERMAN, Harry, 82, of 130 Brooklyn avenue, yesterday; funeral 10 a.m. Wednesday, Church of Resurrection (Banta). BROOKS, Barbara Lee, 18, of 7507 Harshmanville road, Saturday; funeral 1 p.m.
Wednesday (Tobias). COURTRIGHT, Mrs. Margaret 75, of Washington Manor, Saturday; funeral 1 p.m. tomorl'OW MiddleMi town). FLEISCHMANN, John 90, of the Sienna Home, Saturday; funeral 12:45 p.m.
tomorrow, Church of Holy Angels (Meyer and Boehmer). HABEL, Robert 43, of 1601 Bauer avenue, Saturday; funeral 10 a.m. Wednesday (Tobias). JONES, Mrs. Olive, 69, of 220 Park Manor, yesterday; funeral 10:30 Wednesday (Hoyne, East Third street).
KOCHENDORFER. Clarence Salem avenue, funeral 9 a.m. Wednesday, Lady of Mercy church (Walter). KROHN, Rudy, 73, of 2013 Russet avenue, Friday; funeral 8:30 a.m. tomorrow (Hoyne, East Third street).
LINEMAN, Mrs. of 1938 Kathy drive, yesterday; funeral 10 a.m. Wednesday, Mary Help of Christians church, Fairborn (Westbrock). LOFFING. Mrs.
Marie. 60, of 1015 Berkshire road. Saturday; funeral 9 a.m. tomorrow (Ryan, Urbana). MeKOY, James, 38.
of 721 Meredith street, Wednesday; funeral 2 p.m. Wednesday in Rockingham, N.C. (Jones Brothers), MITCHELL, Mrs. Mary, 74, of 923 Grand avenue, Saturday; funeral 10 a.m. tomorrow (Ullmer and Son).
Healing (Continued From Page 1) healing and is now improving physically. Rev. Harold Kocher, whose St. Paul's Episcopal church has had spiritual healing services for more than four years, said he is convinced he had a spiritual healing of a physical problem but has seldom tried to convince others because "I can't prove it." St. Paul's has had a "healing prayer group" functioning continuously since 1942 and ally the Episcopal church has taken the lead in the movement to reinstate the spiritual healing ministry in mainline Protestantism.
The pastors are very conscious of the temptation to see results where there are none. "That's part of the risk. You can hallucinate yourself into believing something happens when it hasn't happened," Mr. Rightor warned. And when church members have prayer "earnestly and fervently" for someone who dies soon after, "it's a hard pill to take.
But I say that now healing has taken place for that person," he said. Explaining that healing is more than physical improvement, Mr. McDonald said emphasis at his services has been on helping participants rid themselves of tears and resentments. A year's study preceded launching of spiritual healing services last fall at the Fairborn Methodist church, according to the pastor, Rev. Herbert E.
Massey. This is typical of the caution with which churches are approaching this healing ministry. An average of 30 persons attend services there, he noted. Fifteen Methodist churches in Ohio and 200 across the country are engaged in spiritual healing. Though neither the Presbyterian nor Methodist national hierarchy has adopted spiritual healing as an official program, both have conduoted studies on it and the Presbyterian synod of Ohio has a a committee on spiritual healing.
Noting that many of his church members "don't 20 along with it" because they haven't tried to understand it, Mr. Massey predicted that in the near future only a limited number of persons will participate in spiritual healing services. Seven Teachers Resign Positions NEW PARIS, resignations from teachers have been accepted by the C. R. Coblentz Board of Education.
Resignations accepted were from Mrs. Mary Jane Sheets, third grade at Jefferson; Mrs. Sandra McCreight, third grade at Monroe: Larry Bartrum, physical education, social studies, and junior high coach at Monroe: Mrs. Mary Ann Brooks, commercial at Jefferson; Ronnie Mayo, band and vocal music at Monroe: Gilbert Woolworth, geography at Jefferson and Thomas Grant, mathematics at Jefferson. In addition, a leave of absence requested by Donald McCreight.
at Monroe, was taken under advisem*nt by the board. JOURNAL HERALD 17 JOURNAL HERALD 25 Monday, July 11, 1966 Dayton, Ohio LEGAL NOTICE MITCHELL. Sherman, 72, formerly of Dayton, Saturday in Columbus; funeral 1:15 p.m. Thursday, Veterans tion Protestant chapel (Jones Brothers). MURPHY, Mrs.
Marie 66, formerly of Dayton, Friday in Englewood, funeral 10 a.m. tomorrow, Church of the Visitation, Eaton (Hoyne, Salem avenue), NELSON. Marian, Crestview Nursing home, Saturday; funeral 1:30 p.m. tomorrow (Hoyne, Far Hills avenue). REINEKE, Chris 96, of 1756 Brookline avenue, Friday; funeral 10 a.m.
tomorrow, St. John church, Fryburg (Meyer and Boehmer). RUETSCHILLING, William, 83. of 57 Seminary road, Friday; funeral 9:30 a.m. tomorrow.
Holy Family church (Meyer and Boehmer). SCHMIDT, Cecil 64, of the Grafton Nursing home, yesterday: funeral 9 a.m. tomorr'ow (Weaver). STEWART, Mrs. Clara, 79, of 9577 Cincinnati pike, Saturday; funeral 1:30 p.m.
tomorrow (Miller and Son). WILLIAMS, John 45, of South Western avenue, Friday; funeral 11 a.m. tomorrow (Bowman, Hoover avenue). WILLIAMS, William 60, formerly of Dayton, Saturday in Delton, funeral 11 a.m. Wednesday (Meyer and Boehmer).
WUIOHET, Susie 90, formerly of 45 Jasper street, Saturday; funeral 1:30 p.m. Wednesday (Miller and Son). Bank Executive Resigns Position XENIA. O. Resignation of Phillip W.
Benson as executive vice president of the Xenia National bank, effective. Sept. 1. has announced. He will be succeeded by George H.
Prugh, now vice president and cashier. Benson, who will remain a director of the bank, is resigning to accept a full partnership with Robert T. Montgomery in the Montgomery Insurance agency, which has offices in Fairborn Three Selected To Attend Camp UNION CITY, O. Bonnie Kochersperger, Gordon and Bruce Kemp. RR 3, Union City, have been selected to attend the 31st annual State Conservation camp July 18-23 at Camp Ohio near Utica in Licking county.
The camp's five-day study and program will inappreciations in water control, forestry, wildlife, rain at work, land and its use, and family living. Registration Date Deadline Nearing WEST ALEXANDRIA, O. Leilon McIntire, superintendent of the Twin Valley local school district, has urged all non-registered voters in the district to do so before 4 p.m. Friday, Aug. 26.
He said residents can register at the Preble county board of elections office in the courthouse at Eaton. Office hours are from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday, and from 8 a.m. to noon on Thursday and Saturday.
Officers Elected OXFORD. 0. Officers of Talawanda Recreation, incorporated, were named following the election of trustees at the organization's first formal meeting in the Oxford Municipal Auditorium. President is Arthur P. Goldner: vice president is Mrs.
Marjorie Barker: secretary, Mrs. Peggy J. Newton, and treasurer, Ralph M. Frey. Registrar Named OXFORD, Marjorie M.
Petheram has been named registrar at Western College for Women to succeed Mrs. Wilma T. Scholl who has resigned. Miss Petheram most recently served as a high school general science teacher with the Peace Corps in Malawi, Africa. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS STATE DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS Columbus, Ohio June 24, 1965 Contract Sales Legal Copy No.
66-564 UNIT PRICE CONTRACT Sealed proposals will be received the office of the State Highway Director of Ohio, Columbus, Ohio until 10:00 a.m.. Ohio (Eastern) Standard Time, Tuesday, July 26, 1966, for improvements in: Proposals Nos. 1 thru 31 incluRive are offered an one contract and will be considered on the basis of the total amount bid. Proposals Nos. 1 thru 31 inclusive.
Butler, Clermont, Clinton, Hamilton, Greene, Montgomery Warren Counties, Ohio, on various structures in Villages of Williamsburg, Addyston, Morrow and South Lebanon City of Lebanon Loveland, by cleaning and painting. Type of Structures VariousRoadway Width Various. date set for completion of this work shall be as set forth in the bidding proposal." Each bidder shall be required to file with his bid certified check for an amount equal to FIVE PER CENT OF HIS BID. but in no event more than ten thousand dollars or a bond for TEN PER CENT OF HIS BID, payable to the Director. Bidders must apply.
on the proper forms, for prequalification with the Highway Onio, at Credit least 10 Examiner days at. before Colum- the date set to open bids. The Minimum wage to he paid to all labor employed on this contract shall be in accordance with the Schedule of Prevailing Hourly Wage Rates Ascertained and Determined by the Department of Industrial Relations applicable to State Highway Department Improvements in accordance with Sections 4115.07 4115.03. of 4115.04. Revised 4115.05, 4115.06.
Code of Plang and specifications are on file in the Department of Highways and the Office of the Division Deputy Director. The Director reserves the right reject any and all bids. P. Z. MASHETER.
Director Notice in hereby given that puh. lie hearing will be held in the office of the Zoning Board of Appeals, 630 Municipal on Monday, July 18, 1966 at 3:30 P.M. on the appeal of Winters National Bank by Paul Kennett, appellant for permission to improve use portion of lot No. 61371. located on the west side of White Oak Drive south of Patterson Road, for off street parking and known As Case No.
4537. A11 persons dealring to be heard in the matter should be present at the meeting. Zoning Board of Appeals MARY A. BECKER, Sec'y. STATE OF OHIO DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS CONTRACT SALES LEGAL COPY No.
66-672 COLUMBUS, OHIO, JUNK 24, 1966 Pursuant to the provisions of Section 5501.111 of the Revised Code, I will offer for sale at public auction 00 the site located on the north aide of Palmer Street and the Limited Access Right-of-Way of the "on" ramp of terstate of Route No. 75 Expressway, in the City of Dayton. Ohio, on the 26th day of July, 1966. at 11:00 A.M.. Eastern Standard Time, the following described parcel of excess real estate: PARCEL.
No. 573-EL (Portion thereof of Parcel 573-WL.) Situated in the City of Dayton, County of Montgomery, of Ohio. and being parts of lots numbered 11606 and 11607 of the revised and consecutive numbers of lots conveved to the State of Ohio, in Deed Book 2100. Page 553, of the deed records of said County, being more particularly bounded and described follows: Beginning at point in the north property line of lot number 11606, said point being 10 feet east of the northwest property corner of the maid lot: thence eastwardly along the north property line of lots numbered 11606 and 11607 for distance of 90 feet. to point in the west limited access line of the U.S.
Route No. 25 Expressway; thence, southwestwardly along the said west limited access line for distance of 144.01 feet to the grantor's southwest property corner, said point being in the south property line of lot number 11406 and also being in the north right-of-way line of Palmer Street: thence northwardly along the grantor's west property line and parallel with the west line of lot number 11606 for distance of 112.13 feet to the point of beginning. containing 5.046 square feet. more or less. The State of Ohio reserves to itself its successors, and assigns forever, the following rights.
privileges, restrictions, and easem*nta in, upon, and over certain portions of the above described real estate: 1. The herein described property shall have no right or rights, or easem*nts of direct access, or claims thereof, to or from Interstate Route No. 75, Section 13.09, Montgomery County, Ohio, as called for by plans on file in the office of the Director of Highways, Columbus, Ohio. 2. The right to construct, use, maintain.
and keep in repair a sanitary sewer and manholes together with the permanent right of the State, its azents or Assigns of ingress to and egress from maid property for the purpose of making inspection and repairs upon said sewer at any time, upon a strip of land described as follows: Situated in the City of Dayton, County of Montgomery, State of Ohio. and being parts of lots numbered 11606 and 11607 of the revised and consecutive numbers of lots conveyed to the State of Ohio in Deed Book 2100. Page 553 of the deed records of said County, he. ing more particularly bounded and described follows: property of lot number 11607. said Freginning at a point in the north point being 23.50 feet west.
the northeast corner of maid lot. said point also being in the west limited access line of U.S. Route No. 25 Expressway thence southwestwardly along the maid west limited access line for a distance of 144.01 feet to a point in the south property line of lot number 11806. said point being the grantor's southwest perty corner; thence northwardly along the grantor's west property line and parallel with the west line of lot number 11606 for a distance of 15.97 feet to point: thence northeastwardly parallel to the said west limited access line of U.S.
Route No. 25 Expressway for distance of 123.53 feet to a point in the north property line of lot numher 11607: thence eastwardly along the said north property line for distance of 12.82 feet to the point of beginning. containing 1,335 square feet. more or less, an shown by plans on file in the Office of the 'Department of Highways, Columbus, APPRAISAL. VALUE: $500.00.
TERMS OF SALE: To be sold for not less than two-thirds of the appraisal value. A deposit of $125.00 cash, money order, or certified check. made payable to the Treasurer, State nt Ohio. care of the Department of. Highways, will he required of the sue: cessful bidder at the time of the sale.
The balance of such purchase price is due and payable on delivery of the Governor's Deed. Taxes and ments. or either of: them, now due or to become due are to be assumed by and paid by the successful bidder. MASHETER, Director of Highways LEGAL ADVERTIsem*nT TO CONTRACTORS AND BIDDERS: Sealed proposals will be received by the Board of Education at the Dayton City School District of Dayton, County of Montgomery, State of Ohio at the office of the Clerk-Treasurer, of the said Board, 348 West First Street, until 12:00 o'clock noon. Eastern Standard Time, July 27, 1966 for the furnishing of all materials and performance of all labor for the erection nad completion of Service Building, located on Western Avenue, west of Gettysburg Avenue, Dayton.
Ohio. Bids will be opened and publicly read at the above-mentioned time. Copies of drawings and specifications are on file in the office of the sistant Superintendent of Schools in Charge of Business, Third Floor, 348 West First Street: at the Builders Exchange, 2077 Embury Park; at the office of the Architects, Lorenz and Williams, 2600 Far Hills Avenue, Dayton. Ohio, and at the Dayton office of the F. W.
Dodge Corporation, 3864 Kettering Blvd. Proposals must be made upon the official blank forms furnished for much purpose by the of the Board of Education. The project involves the construction of a Service Building. Proposals will be received on the following basis: 1. For the "General includinz all Sections in Division to Division 10 inclusive.
For Chalkboards and Tackboards, Division 11, Section 11A. For Metal Shelving and Cabinets, Division 11, Section 11B. For Carpet, Division 12, Section 12A. 5. For Plumbing, Heating and Ventilating and Electrical Work.
Diviaion 15, Sections 154 and 159 and Division 16. Section 16.4 reapectively, separately or for combinations of two or more of these items. Bidders must for each item on which bid is made, separate' prices for labor, material, and a total price in figures and a total price in words. 'The time of completion must be stated. Attention of bidder called to the special requirements, to the wage rates, and hours of employment.
No bidder may withdraw his hid for period of 30 days after the date of opening bids. A foreign corporation submitting proposal must. comply with the laws of doing business in the State of Ohio. if its proposal or any part there of is accepted. Each bid must contain the name of every person interested therein and be accompanied by certified check in favor of said Board of Education upon solvent bank in an amount equal to five per cent (5) of the amount.
of the bid. or by bond in like sum executed by an approved surety, trust or guaranty company, or by two good and sufficient sureties, residenta of Montgomery County, Ohio, and certified so by the Auditor thereof, conditioned that if such bid is accepted. a contract will be promptly entered into and the performance thereof properly secured, and that an approval surety bond in an amount of one hundred per cent of the entire proposal will be furnished for the faithful performance of the contract, all bonds to be to the satisfaction of the Board. If bond signed by personal or individual surety in offered. each surety must make affidavit that he is free holder in Montgomery County, Ohio.
and is financially worth over and above all debts or other ohligations, an amount not Jess than the amount of the bond which will he required for contract pursuant thereto. The Board will award the contract on the lowest responsible bid, but the Board reserves the right 10 reject any or all bids and it in the interest of the Board 90 do and not in violation of the law. to waive defects in posals. In making an award pursuant hereto, the Board will be governed by the provisions of Section 3313.46 of the Ohio Revised Code. Proposals must be enclosed in sealed envelones, endorsed by the name of the bidder and marked "Proposal for Service Building" designating the items bid 11pon.
and addressed 10 the Board of Education of the Dayton City School District, Dayton, Montgomery County, Ohio. and left at the office of the Clerk-Treasurer of the Board of Education on or before the time named in this advertisem*nt. By the order of the Board el Education. ROBERT KLINE. President of the Board HAROLD L.
HOWARD. Clerk-Treasurer the Board CLASSIFIED 223-2112 $400,000 library under construction on the Cedarville Library Takes Shape college campus in Cedarville. The new facility will place a smaller library near the downtown area of the steel girders are in place and the exterior brick village. College officials hope to be able to use the wall is almost finished as work progresses on the new new library this fall. Germantown Bears Storm's Brunt An intense storm, complete with "golf ball size" hail and driving rain, hammered sections of Montgomery county yesterday but apparently caused little damage.
It was the second consecutive day storms have pounded the area but rainfall for the period, as reported by the U.S. Weather Bureau, amounted to only .24 of an inch. And the year's total is still 6.21 inches below the 21.04 inches normal for this date. Yesterday's storm centered in an area around Germantown. southwest of Dayton, where power and telephone lines were knocked down and the roof was ripped from barn owned by Warren Maue along the Germantown-Liberty road.
However, reports of a tornado The Easy SOUTH Way To INTERSTATE FINK- -JESKE 75 Chevrolet Mamber Miami Volley ALLIED FLORISTS when words fail you rely on flowers Your Allied Florist will wire of deliver flowers anywhere You'll find his name on page 233 of the Yellow Pages or Call COLONIAL FLOWERS 277.4974 in that area were not officially confirmed. The storm struck the area and shortly after 2 p.m. officials began receiving calls shortly afterwards of fallen trees and utility poles, Traffic was blocked along the road for a short time. Power was interrupted to numerous homes in the area but crews from Dayton Power and Light company moved into action and had electricity restored shortly after 5 p.m. Miamisburz police reported "hail the size of golf balls" and a 32 degree drop in temperature in five to 10 minutes time.
One officer said the temperature dropped from 95 degrees to 63 degrees, but started climbing again as soon as the storm was over. Large size hail was also reported at South Dayton airport. Dayton itself, however, had littie more than a short driving rain with moderate winds. The weather bureau listed wind velocity at 14 miles per hour at the peak of the storm, but the storm was an offshoot a thunderhead 60,000 said, feet high. storm from a thunderhead that high is usually very a weather bureau ofsaid.
West Carrollton and Moraine both reported hail and heavy rain. But, both cities, large, damage was limited to a few tree limbs blocking streets, police officers reported. Yesterday's storm was less than 24-hours after a rain and wind storm struck Dayton proper Saturday, knocking off electric power in scores of homes and caused the death of a Kettering man. Robert Habel, 43, of 1601 Bauer, was apparently electrocuted about 6:30 p.m. as he attempted to warn an elderly neighbor couple of the danger of fallen wires.
Authorities said he touched A 7,200 volt fallen into apparently, the street. crews worked throughout the night to restore power to some of the sections which were plunged into darkness. Valley Deaths Valley COVINGTON- Mrs. Rosannah Palser, 75, of Shady Rest Nursing home, Saturday; funeral 2 p.m. tomorrow (Bridges).
CELINA Mrs. Marguerit Smith, 93, of RR 1. Saturday: funeral 2 p.m. tomorrow (Vale and Stein). EATON E.
L. (Bud) Kinner, of 413 North street, yesterday; funeral 1:30 p.m. Wednesday (Girton-Schmidt). FT. LORAMIE Mrs.
Hanna Aselage, 73, of 10 Farmers Pike, Saturday: funeral 10 a.m. Wednesday, St. Michaels Catholic church (Hogenkamp, Minster). GREENVILLE- -D. G.
Berkebile, 36, of the Brethren home, yesterday; funeral 2 p.m. Wednesday, Harris Creek Church of the Brethren, Bradford, O. (Stocker, Bradford). Mrs. Lola B.
Tipple, 61, of RR 5, Friday: funeral 10 a.m. tomorrow (Miller). LYTLE Charles Mullenex. 82 of Lytle, Friday; funeral 2 p.m. (Stubbs, Waynesville, MIAMISBURG Roberta M.
Cook, 51, yesterday; funeral 10:45 a.m. Wednesday, Our Lady of Good Hope church (Gebhart and Schmidt). David N. Pickett. 14, of 5664 Louis street, Saturday; funeral 1:30 p.m.
tomorrow (Porter and Son, Campion, PIQUA Robert K. Elliot, 83, 1214 Washington avenue, Saturday; funeral 2 p.m. tomorrow (Jamieson). Robert A. Fansher, 88, of the Baptist Home, Saturday; funeral 3 p.m.
Wednesday (Jamieson). Harry A. Johnston, 80, of 906 West High street, Friday: funeral 2:30 p.m. tomorrow (Cron). Mrs.
Dora J. Vance, 43, of 406 South Main street, Friday; funeral 2 p.m. tomorrow (Jamieson). Raymond Welch, 72, of 505 First street, yesterday; funeral 2 p.m. tomorrow (Suber, Fletcher, ST.
MARY'S -Mrs. J. Koneta Rider, 75, Saturday: funeral 2 p.m. tomorrow (Yoder and Long). WEST CARROLLTON Mrs.
Anna R. Owen, 81, of 319 South Elm street, Saturday; funeral 2 p.m. tomorrow (Swart). WILMINGTON Mrs. Sarah R.
Cowman, 79, of 210 West Truesdale street, Friday: funeral 2 p.m. today (Reynolds). Classified Death Notices And Funeral Arrangements On Pages 25, 26 Assistant Named MIDDLETOWN. of Don Wayne Faris as an assistant professor of education for Miami university's Middletown campus has been announced. Faris, 33, taught sciences in high schools and East Carolina college for: six years and has been completing requirements for doctor's de.
gree the past two years at the University of North Carolina. SINGER CLEARANCE! Touch Sew sewing machines SAVE 40 Push- Button Bobbin Display models: Slant Needle and Horizontal Spool Pin SINGER straight stitch PORTABLE OR CONSOLE SEWING MACHINE by SINGER SINGER SINGER I SAVE Regularly $150.45 with cabinet Regularly $99.95 with case $201 Rug Cleaner- Floor Polisher Vacuum- Polisher Attachment, Two 6-inch waxing, polishing now Save $14 now $2144 Brush for scrubbing $595 revolving brushes Fits most canister cleaners Built-in liquid dispenser Lightweight, easy to store Regularly TRADE-INS NEVER REQUIRED, ALWAYS ACCEPTED Other ReD sewing machines from DOWNTOWN-44 S. MAIN-222-8354 What's new for tomorrow is at SING SINGER town. dietown Hills Airway 1203 and N. Shopping Dales, Main.
1920 1410 Airway 277-8291 W. 243-3601 Dorothy 253-3101 Middletown. Lane, Troy, 299-3301 Public North- Mid- SINGER Square, 335-3077 Xenia. 72 8. Detroit 372-3594 Sidney, 101 Main.
492-8870. COMPANY Deaths ANDREWS. Mrs. Gertrude 62, of 629 Oak died Sunday. 1 son, George fenbacher, Chelsford, her mother, Mrs.
Susan Vitt: 1 brother, Elmer Vitt both of Dayton; 2 grandchildren, Steven and Deborah Offenbacher. Funeral Wednesday 9:45 a.m. Meyer Boehmer Funeral Home, 1733 Brown St. 10:15 a.m. Requiem High Mass, Church of the Holy Angels.
Burial Woodland Cemetery. Friends may call at the funeral home Tuesday 4-9 p.m. BIERMAN, Harry, age 82, 130 Brooklyn died Sunday morning. Survived by 2 daughters, Mrs. Carlis Brown, Mrs.
Catherine Floyd, 6 grandchildren, 1 great-grandchild. Funeral service will be held at 10 Wednesday at the Church of Resurrection, Rev. Vincent Robers officiating, Burial Calvary cemetery. The Holy Name Society will hold services at 8 p.m. Friends may call at the Banta Funeral Home, 3419 W.
Third St. Tuesday from 3 to 5 and 7 to 9 p.m. BRENNER, Lloyd age 62. of 5001 Webster died Friday at Good Samaritan hospital after a brief illness. He was self-employed.
Survived by 3 daughters, Mrs. Johanne Holsinger, Mrs. Opal Hammond of Dayton, Mrs. Freda Jeffers, Vandalia: 5 sons, Lloyd Jr. and Ronald of Dayton.
Paul and Kenneth of Vandalia, Dick of New Carlisle: 2 sisters, Mrs. Freda Slanker, Kettering, Mrs. Almeda Harris, Dayton; 2 brothers, Oscar of Florida and John of Dayton; 17 grandchildren. Services 10 a.m. Monday at the Hoyne Funeral Home, 635 Salem Av.
Interment Willowview cemetery. Friends may call at Hoyne's Sunday 3-5 and 7-9 p.m. COOK, Mrs. Roberta age 51, of Miamisburg, passed away Sunday at Kettering Memorial hospital. by her husband her father Sherman Miamisburg: 1 sister, Mrs.
Mildred Davis, Miamisburg: brothers, Randall, Clarksville, Joe of Dayton, Raymond and Leonard of Miamisburg. Services Wednesday, 10:45 a.m., at Our Lady of Good Hope. Interment, Miami Valley Memory Gardens. Friends may call at the Gebhart Schmidt Funeral Home, Miamisburg, Tuesday 3 to 5 and 7 to 9 p.m. COURTRIGHT, Mrs.
Margaret age 75, died Saturday at the Washington Manor. She had been in failing health the last 3 years. She was born in Dayton and lived here most of her life. She was the widow of the late Dr. L.
R. Court. right. Survived by 1 daughter, Mrs. Betty Havemann; 2 grandchildren, all of Middletown: 3 sisters, Mrs.
Mary Gascho, Miss Hester Meehan and Mrs. Josephine Hahne, all of Dayton. There will be no visitation. Funeral services will be held Tuesday at 1 p.m. at the McCoy-Leffler Funeral Home, Rev.
H. H. Jung officiating. Burial in Celina, O. In lieu of flowers the family suggests that memorial contributions be made to Mt.
Olive United Church of Christ or to your favorite charity. JACOBS, Mrs. Mollie age 93, of 18 W. Siebenthaler died Friday. Survivors are 1 daughter, Mrs.
Melvin Lehman, of Dayton. Several nieces and nephews. Member of Temple Israel and honorary member of The Sisterhood, Senior Congregrants of Temple Israel, Council of Jewish Women's Friendship club. Services 1:30 p.m. Sunday at Temple Israel.
Rabbi Joseph Weizenbaum officiating. Burial Riverview cemetery. No visitation. Arrangements Marker Heller Funeral Home. JONES, Mrs.
Olive. age 69, of 220 Park Manor, apt. 4Q, died Sunday 10 a.m. Survived by her husband. Herbert; 2 daughters, Mrs.
Olive B. Jackson Dayton, and Mrs. Pauline McDonald. Iselin, N.J.: 5 grandchildren. Funeral 10:30 a.m, Wednesday at the Hoyne Funeral Home, 1817 E.
Third. Burial at Woodland cemetery. Visitation Tuesday 6 to 9 p.m. To Place A CLASSIFIED Phone 223-2112.